Saturday, January 31, 2009

Contusion to the Coccysm

Abbey wanted to go skating...roller skating! Her school was having a roller skating party so Abbey, Jenny and I went. Jenny and I did not skate...but Abbey was having fun! It took a few times around the rink for her to really get using the 4 wheeled skates, but once she got it, she was going fast!

The roller skating rink brought back fond memories of roller skating when I was a kid...disco balls, video games, backwards skating...the smell of sweaty bodies, watching body parts fly as people fell. I kept thinking that it was amazing that no one had gotten hurt!

The last song of the Holbrook time at the rink and I finally sat down to talk to another mom and I looked out on the floor and saw Abbey laying down, obviously hurt.

I ran out to her, trying not to trip anyone who was trying to skate and I really thought she had just knocked the wind out of herself. She kept saying her back hurt. I pulled her up, still thinking she knocked the wind out of herself and she kept saying her back hurt...(No medical degrees here...but I should know better.) We put her in a wheelchair and brought her to the office. She was in pain!

The gentleman at the rink talked to her, asked her to pull herself up to standing using his fingers and she did. I talked to her and found out she fell first on her bottom-hard-and then layed down. She did not hit her head. Because she was in obvious pain, I decided to take her in to ER. (A friend brought Jenny home).

We got to ER and there was no line (God's Grace!!) We got into a room and were evaluated quite quickly. The Dr. felt her back and determined the pain was at the tailbone. They gave her some Motrin and that immediately helped. She had 3 x-rays (Abbey did not smile during her pictures!) and it took a while to get the xrays read but they determined she did not have a break but a badly bruised other words, a bruised butt!

She is sore, moving slowly, but picking on her sister and smiling...all normal in my book! I thank God it was nothing more serious. We're taking it easy today! All is well.

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