Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

We had a fun New Year's Eve with friends and then spent time on New Years Day sledding with them! These are all the Feenstra girls and the Riekse Girls. (L-R Taryn, Sydney, Jenny, Jenna, Abbey and then Kelly sticking out front)

We had a fun time sledding at a hill by a nearby school. They went down together a lot. Some how the little girls, Jenny and Taryn, always went near some jumps. It was pretty funny to watch them fly, especially when they didn't even know the jumps were there! Jenny came back up after the first one and said "Mom, I went over a jump down there!"

They decided that the inflatable sled worked the best but the parents decided that the inflatable sleds broke the fastest!

Dave also enjoyed sledding and took over the new inflatable sled and tried to hit the jump (between the two orange cones--on this shot he missed the jump and my batteries died before he actually made one). He missed a few times but the first time he hit it, the sled went out from under him and he landed half on the sled and half on his stomach. He walked up the hill a little slow after that one saying his back hurt. He says it doesn't bother him now but I'll let you know tomorrow if he still says that!

We had a fun time in the middle of the snowstorm and it was a great way to bring in the new year! We are taking it easy tonight and might get the kids to bed before 10!!!

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