Friday, January 18, 2008

Jenny starts Girl Scouts

Jenny started Girl Scouts this week. We had a short sledding event on a Saturday during Christmas break but we had her actual meeting on Monday. She has been watching Abbey for a few years and was SO excited to have a group with her friends. I waited to see if anyone else would step up to start one, but no one did so I went ahead and started one. It's been fun so far and several mom's have stepped up to say they will help and be at every meeting! Boy, 1st grade girls are a little crazy when they get together! (And Jenny may have been the most hyper!) We earned a badge our first meeting just by talking about Girl Scouts and learning the Law and Promise and by having 'smores for a snack! (Did you know why they call them 'smores? Because when you are done, you want 'smore!

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